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Brexit and Network Critical

It is done. In 2016, by a 52% vote the UK referendum to leave the European Union was passed. On January 31st, 2020 the UK officially withdrew from the European Union (EU). Throughout 2020, negotiations proceeded as to how the withdrawal would happen. At the end of 2020, the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) was signed. The TCA governs the new relationship between the UK and the EU. While half the country rejoiced and half the country mourned, many questions remain regarding how daily life will be affected by the change. Here are a few key points that may relieve some anxiety about doing business with companies in the UK.

Free Trade

Trade in goods between the UK and the EU shall not be subject to tariffs or quotas. Traders can self-certify compliance with rules of origin. There will be some additional formalities for products traveling between customs areas but the agreement should limit major disruptions in shipments.

Aviation and Ground Transport

There is no change in point to point air traffic between the UK and EU countries. The same access applies to ground traffic. However, when stops or connections are made in other countries, individual agreements with each country will be required. There is no restriction on the UK entering into unilateral agreements with other countries.

The agreement, of course, covers provisions for energy, fisheries, trade, visas, law and many other matters. However, this blog is focusing on the movement of goods and services around the UK, around the EU and around the world. More specifically, the ability of high-tech companies, particularly Network Critical to continue to operate in the global arena.

Global Company

First and foremost, Network Critical is a global company with offices and experienced personnel in UK, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Following supply chain best practices, we deal with multiple suppliers in many countries. Therefore, a single disruption at one point of the supply chain will not interrupt overall operations or our ability to manufacture and ship product.

The entire portfolio of Network Critical products, including the SmartNA family of intelligent TAPs and Packet Brokers are in stock and available for shipment within our normal lead times. Our Passive Optical Taps are also available under our normal terms. For more specific information about our products and availability you can go to

Cross Border Controls

Network Critical products and services are not subject to licenses, controls or restrictions. Therefore, we do not anticipate any changes, restrictions or disruptions to the distribution of our products across borders.

Global Shipping Experience

Network Critical has been shipping product globally for decades. During this time, there have been many changes in customs regulations, political environments, borders and documentation. We are well experienced in navigating the choppy waters of continuous jurisdictional changes.

Third Party Partnerships

Network Critical has a long-standing business relationship with the well-known United Parcel Service (UPS) which acts as a customs clearing agent. Through this relationship, we have implemented a fully electronic customs procedure that provides fast and reliable movement of our products throughout many countries and jurisdictions around the world.


The changes in business and product movement brought about by Brexit will be transparent to our customers around the world. Network Critical and our many global partners are experienced in navigating these changes. We continue to focus on developing and delivering innovative visibility products enabling network tools to monitor and protect networks around the world. To quote Winston Churchill, ‘Stay Calm and Carry On.’





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