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Network Critical


Network Critical's visibility layer feeds tools and systems data that are required to monitor and control your network



Network Critical’s scalable and persistent visibility layer feeds tools and systems the crucial network data needed to optimize, monitor and control changing network infrastructure without compromising operations or security.

Network TAPs

  • Passive Fiber TAPs

  • Active Ethernet TAPs

Network TAPs are the base layer of Smart Network Access and are able to monitor events on a local network. This means complete network visibility is maintained across all network security and monitoring platforms.

Modular Hybrid TAPs

Modular Network TAP

Provides excellent performance and flexibility, needed to manage tools that are protecting network infrastructure, securing information and keeping up with ever-changing attack environment.

Active Ethernet TAPs


Use the SmartNA-XL with the 10/40G bypass module to achieve real-time network security without sacrificing network reliability and availability.

Passive TAPs

Passive Fiber Ethernet TAP
Fiber TAP

For simple and secure access to live traffic in your high speed production networks. No latency, no point of failure and unbeatable network visibility.

Packet Brokers

  • 100G Packet Broker

  • 400G Packet Broker

Network Packet Brokers manipulate, combine, separate, integrate and process the inputs from many sources to different locations in order to deliver the right data to the right tool for optimized network security and performance.

Modular Hybrid TAPs

Modular Ethernet TAP

Hybrid Network TAPs that also have Packet Broker functionality. For excellent network monitoring, security and visibility.

100G Packet Brokering

Network Packet Broker

Use the SmartNA-PortPlus Network Packet Broker for optimized network management. Scalable up to 5RU.

400G Packet Brokering

400G Network Packet Broker.webp

The SmartNA-PortPlus HyperCore for ultra-fast network packet brokering. 400Gbps is ideal large traffic volumes.

Network Critical reviews


“Developing and managing Key Performance Indicators is all about accuracy of information. The Network Critical products are providing 100% accurate traffic visibility on the key links, which is vital for us.”


Network Performance Monitoring Engineer, VODAFONE

Drag-n-Vu GUI

 Enables fast, error-free configuration and simplifies change management

Network Critical Technology Partners
Riverbed technology partner logo

Riverbed is the leader in Application Performance Infrastructure, delivering the most complete platform for the hybrid enterprise to ensure applications perform as expected, data is always available when needed, and performance issues can be proactively detected and resolved before impacting business performance.

Network Critical technology partners.j
Cisco Solution Partner

Cisco is a global leader in telecommunications, security, network infrastructure and IT applications. As an official Cisco Solution Partner, Network Critical helps provide visibility and access for Cisco security and performance monitoring solutions.

Network Critical technology partners.j
palo alto networks network security

Palo Alto's pioneering Security Operating Platform emboldens their digital transformation with continuous innovation that seizes the latest breakthroughs in security, automation, and analytics. By delivering a true platform and empowering a growing ecosystem of change-makers like us, we provide highly effective and innovative cybersecurity across clouds, networks, and mobile devices.

Network Critical technology partners.j
Arista technology partner logo

Arista Networks is at the forefront of the next-generation of networking technologies. By combining industry standard switch hardware with intelligent SDN control software, the company is delivering next-generation data center networking fabrics for the world’s most advanced data centers looking to achieve unmatched degrees of network automation.


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Business Conference


Whether you have a question about products, features, trials, pricing, or anything else, our team is ready to help. Once you send a form we aim to get back to you within 24 hours with a detailed response.

Fill in the form or call us to speak to an expert today. 


☎ +44 (0) 1189 543210       ☎ +1 (470) 554 7170

We understand your privacy is important. Network Critical does not share your personal information with any unauthorized parties. For more information on how we use your personal data, please review our Privacy Policy.

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